Browsing the archives for the 1910 category.

On My Return Trip Home


Now for the trip back to America.

We left Esbjerg on a steamer to Hull, then on the train across England to Liverpool, and got on the steam ship Canada back to Montreal, then took the train to Toronto and arrived in Salt Lake City, and was kindly received by my wife which I did not know at the first glance at her at the depot. Being away for two years it surely was a change, and an overwhelming joy to me to find my beloved wife faithful and true. Now the next step was to go through the temple and be married for time and all eternity, which took place May 24 and the greatest blessings there could be pronounced upon us.

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On My Mission


The last place I was appointed to labor was Tisted, west of Aalborg, a little town.

I lost my record book concerning my Mission so this is only a little sketch of the two years’ Mission.

Once I was invited to visit a Lutheran Minister. I took the invitation with joy and went to his house. He came with his Bible and quoted chapter after chapter, and verse after verse, and at first would not let me answer a word. I was sitting there looking him right in the face. He took about an hour and a half, and at last he said that if I could give an answer to all his questions, then he would give me the chance to speak and he would listen to me as I had listened to him.

I thanked him and I raised up to speak and the power of the Holy Spirit was poured out on me to the most wonderful degree.

I answered all his questions and a whole lot more too. I explained the falling away from the true faith, and I explained the necessity of the restoration of all that was lost.

That was one of the most wonderful sermons I ever delivered, I thank God for it through the power of the Holy Ghost.

In conclusion, I enjoyed my Mission very much and when after the two years were up, I together with others were then released honorably, and left for the Promised Land. My Mission President, Andrew Jensen told me, “I release you only from this Mission here in Denmark, when you come back, you are still a Missionary.”

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