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On Hjorring


The next place I was sent to was Hjorring. The night I got there a meeting was appointed and when I got there the Missionaries told me that nobody would hear them, that we might just as well turn around and go home for there is nothing to be done here. These people here tonight are just here because a new Missionary is coming. I told them that there must be a few that will believe us, but his answer was no. I told him that there are some here tonight that will join the Church and be good members.

So it was, there was a family there that first night that became members in a little while, and the man was one of the best tithing and fast offering payers.

I shall relate a little story told of a faithful church member:

One Christmas evening a man and his wife invited two Missionaries for supper. A little before they were ready to eat one more missionary visitor came along, and the wife did not know what to do, for she only cooked sufficient for the two extra. In full faith, she kneeled down in the pantry and asked the Lord to cause that she may have sufficient to feed all that should come and eat at that meal, not knowing that there would be more coming. Just before the table was set two more came along and two more still came along, and now the good sister did not know what to do. She did not like to tell them that she could not feed all that crowd of people. The good sister now decided to invite them all to the table to eat. She did not want to tell any of them to sit behind while the rest were eating. She thought she would give them all she had, and that was all she could do. There was five in the family and only prepared for two extra, and when they began to eat, there still came more in, and now all hope was gone to feed them all, that would be impossible. So she dipped up broth on the table, all they needed, dipped up again and brought on the table and to her astonishing surprise, the pans which she had cooked and prepared, did not get empty.

The number that had eaten at the table was 21. That miracle was told to me by both the man and his wife. Declared absolutely true. That happened in Aalborg conference, Denmark, in Christmas evening.

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