Browsing the archives for the 1897 category.

On Sheep and the Weather


Again we were blessed with the second Canadian child. A daughter arrived on the twenty-seventh of November. She was named Marva Attera.

I was still herding sheep; between I had to live on the homestead. We now had our own home and would soon have it proved up on the homestead; I intended to herd long enough to get full equipment to the farm. When I had a chance I would come home and see the family.

O, I felt so happy when some of the little children came running to meet me, when they saw me coming home to visit them. O, I was so happy to think I would soon be in a fix so I could stay home all the time, and work the land up, and be with the family and enjoy home life like other men. This is what I came to Canada for, and so far I had made a very good success in getting started to make a home.

We came to Canada with six little children and we got an increase of two more daughters. Everything to make us happy and content. I did rejoice in my children, as that was a gift from God.

I had now been herding sheep a number of years. One year there came a heavy snow storm in harvest time before people had their grain cut and it flattened the grain on the ground deep snow on it. The wind that came from the west and took the snow off was to the east everyday. I felt sorry for the people that had their grain under the snow. I began to be uneasy about it, and I prayed to our God to change the wind from the east to the west so the snow would go off and save the crops.

I put my faith to the test one day, not for curiosity, but to save the grain. I kneeled down in humble prayer, and I, in the name of the Lord did rebuke the wind from the east and commanded it to go to the west until the snow got off.

Just as soon as I was finished praying, the wind came from the west and stayed that way until all the snow was melted off, and the people’s grain was saved.

Let me tell one more little story of my prairie life. I was in the heaviest blizzard and I got lost with two thousand sheep. I lost all the control of them, and they drifted with the heavy storm and drifted into a great big snow drift.

Now nothing could save my life and the sheep but the power of God. So I again used my faith and power, I was in possession of and I in the name of the Lord rebuked the blizzard and commanded the storm to stop immediately long enough to save the sheep and my life, and the Lord accepted the act, and stopped the storm at once.

I now found myself close to a shack with a man in it. I went there was quickly as possible and asked for help to save the sheep, to pull the sheep out of the snow drift. The man had dinner ready and he said for me to come in and eat, for I had been out in the blizzard and I needed it, and after we had eaten he would help me to pull the sheep out of the snow drift. So we did, and we worked hard all the afternoon till dark and had to leave a few head in the drift until then next morning and the man came again and helped to pull the last ones out of the snow drift and we got them all out of the snow drift and did not lose one of them, I was surprised, and as quick as we got all the sheep out and saved, the storm started again.

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On Having to Live on the Homestead to Get Proved Up


I rushed the money for the house and bought it, and got the deed for it, and wet back to herd sheep again.

This year we had an increase in the family, our first Canadian daughter came on the eleventh of May. Her mother wanted her name to be Marienda, and I wanted her name to be Alberta, so she got both of them.

I also started to buy one railroad quarter of land close to my homestead, one of the finest pieces of land in the country north east of Cardston, and neighbor to William Steed and Marsden.

Everything looked good to me now, and I was looking to a good time in the future to prosperity.

I now began to think and hope that Kathrine would get over her opposition against me. I did all I possibly could do to please her.

In one of the times I had to live on the homestead to get proved up.

I was burning old grass off, and the fire got away and I had our oldest son with me, and we had a hard time to fight the fire. The boy told me while we were fighting the fire, that he felt in his heart that if he would go down in the coulee and pray, to the Lord for help we would get the fire out and the boy told me he did that and after he had done it, we got it out. It was a real prairie fire. The boy was about eight years old at the time. The same boy that had the dream It was John, he had great faith in his young days. He had the dream at seven.

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