Browsing the archives for the 1896 category.

On Buying My House


Different times I went to the coal mines that first winter, hauling our own coal. As I passed a herd of sheep on the road, I received an inspiration that I should start to herd sheep just as soon as I was able to pull my coat on alone. I took a job to herd sheep for Hyrum Taylor, and I also took up a homestead and everything began to be more agreeable for me.

I was praying all the time that Kathrine may receive a testimony where her home should be so she could be satisfied in Canada. I did fast and pray continuously that she would be united with me.

All at once the man that was owner of the house we lived in came and wanted to sell it very cheap. He was leaving the country so Kathrine got one of my brothers to come at once and release me a few days and let me come home to buy the house where my family was. My wife told me now she had got a testimony that we should have that house to be our home. Yes she told me she had received a spiritual testimony about it. That was an answer to my prayers.

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On My Son’s Revelation


He gave it one morning to me. While he told it I was filled with the Holy Spirit, testifying to me that it was from God. The dream was told like this:

I was together with you working in a field and I saw a light come from heaven in front of us, down to the ground. The light was very bright, more than the sun. Out of that clear light a man came, shining, and spoke these words, “I am Jesus Christ, I was crucified for the sins of the World.” He showed the wounds in His hands, and in his feet, and in his side, and said, “I have come down here to let you know that Canada is the place for you to go to,” and he spoke to the whole family, and he said that if the boy would be obedient to his father, he would grow up and be big like him.

The Holy Spirit rested on the boy while telling his remarkable dream. He promised to go with us to Canada every day, and the boy said he asked Him to stay overnight too, and offered Him quilts. He did not need them; he said he could go home in a minute.

It was a long sermon the boy gave of his dream. The last of it was that he saw a Temple in Canada and Jesus stood on the top of that Temple.

This dream was given after I had been staying in bed for a month after the accident to get my shoulder broken.

Before we were ready to go we went to see the Bishop and say good-bye. He was a very fine man. He said, “I will be waiting to fill your wagon with supplies for a year, for you are not fit to go to work. When you come there, be sure you do not try to work, it will take a year or so before you will be able to work. And when you get there you will be among Latter-day Saints so you will get all you need, for you are not fit to go to work.”

When we said good-bye to him he wept so the tears rolled down his cheeks.

I had to have my arm tied up in a sling and that, all the way. We started out, and all the way when we would go over a rough place, I had to hold tight to my arm in the sling.

We had good luck on the road but in Idaho around Marketlack the road had been over flooded and deep water on the road, so we had to go around. There was just one place to go and that was through a piece of meadow, and we got stuck, all the wheels went down to the hubs.

So now we were in for it, and all alone. Some of the family wept, and said we may have to sit here for a week before someone comes along and pulls us up. I said nothing, for a while but was thinking about the boy’s dream and I had strong faith in it.

I now told the folks to get in the wagon and we will be going, and I was on the ground to see the miracle. I spoke to the team as usual when hard pulling was on hand, and away they went, as if nothing had happened. It seemed like the wagon was lifted right up off the soft spot it was down in.

It took us a month to travel form Utah to Canada, and came there the first part of August. When we got there, Kathrine wept and wanted to go back to Utah, but now the horses were too tired to do any more, and we had spent all our money in coming to Canada.

We were very poorly received in the stake. President C.O. Card told me that they didn’t want us to call on the Church for help. That was a fearful order to listen to, I with a broken limb and sick just as soon as I started to go to work. I got so sick I had to go to bed different times on that account. But after a while I got so I could enjoy life. I was now in Canada and had full faith that the Lord would open up the way for us, to prosperity. I was so weak in body but rejoiced in the spirit all the time.

There was another newcomer told me that this is a fine country to live in but there is just one thing that is a draw back.

“What is that,” I asked. He said that “it is the heavy winds there are here.”

I said nothing but thought by myself that if that is the only draw back, I had faith to ask the Lord to stop the heavy winds, if that is a draw back.

One day I wet north of Cardston in a low place on the reservation and knew I was all alone to myself so I went in humble prayer to God to stop that heavy wind and I used all the faith and power I was in possession of and I commanded that wind to stop in the name of the Lord.

He accepted the act, and stopped the wind, so one snow storm after another came and there came so deep snow that the cattle that were going out could get nothing to eat.

President C.O. Card said he was afraid that some of the newcomers are not acquainted with the climate, and cursed the wind. He called the people in a fast day to pray for the wind to come back. I said nothing but the Spirit told me the wind would not come back until He called for an extra fast day.

So the wind did not come back at the first fast day and the cattle in southern Alberta had been going about for a whole month without feed. President C.O. Card called for an extra fast day all over the stake and prayed to God to send the wind back to take the snow off, so the cattle would not starve to death.

The Lord has now showed the people. He stopped the wind and brought it back again to show the people what the wind is good for in Alberta.

In that last fast day, one stood up and spoke in tongue, and the interpretation was given at once. It said the Lord had heard their prayers and would send back the wind and save the cattle. I helped to pray for the wind to come back.

The change in the weather took place at once, in the night. The wind came with such tremendous force that the water was running in all directions the next morning.

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On Choosing to Follow God (and, as it turned out, not my wife)


This is just the beginning of trouble. Katherine rejected my testimony of going to Canada, and threatened not wanting to go to Canada with me.

She came to the conclusion, if I would go to the head of the Church, the first presidency, if they would tell me that Canada was the place for us, then she would go with me, so I went to the head of the Church, and had a call of Joseph F. Smith to go to Canada.

She still opposed my testimony and accused me for being led of the devil. She told me if I went to Canada, there would be trouble.

Now I had to take my choice. Obey God or my wife. I know I was called of God through His Holy Spirit, and after that by President Joseph F. Smith, and after that a revelation from Jesus Christ in a dream received by our seven year old son.

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