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On Priesthood Blessings


The dedication of the Salt Lake Temple was now close at hand. The West Jordan Ward where I belonged at the time had the 13th day of April appointed. That was a great celebration for the wards and stakes of Zion.

When I was standing among the crowd on the Temple ground, looking at the beautiful building, the Spirit witnessed to me this, “This is the Temple of the Most High God.”

When we went in at the first door it was repeated like this, “You are now entering into the Temple of the Most High God.”

There was a guide for every room. We wet through and he explained the purposes of every room and scenery in the Temple.

After the dedicatory prayer was offered, President Woodruff spoke. Among things he spoke, was this, “The most of the people here at this dedication will be in Jackson County Temple dedication.”

The power of the Holy Spirit was felt all the way through.

When we were let out, I heard the finest music I ever listened to, come right from the Temple. The Church had no music there, it must of come from Heaven.

In those days the Spirit of the Lord was enjoyed to a great extent.

One day I passed a house where a sick man was in a miserable condition. The doctors had given him up to die. He had also been administered to without any relief. As I passed the house the Spirit said to me, “Stop and go in to that man that is sick and raise him up.” I stopped at once, went into the little house and talked a little while with the man and his wife. They never had any children, on account of his sickness. He was in a fearful condition. He showed me a cup; he told me he filled that cup every day with matter out of his body. He was not just in bed all the time, he was so bent over he was not able to straighten up at all.

The first question I asked him was if he had faith to be healed. He answered yes, but he had been administered to by the Bishopric and others but when he could smell tobacco in front of him, he had no faith in them to be healed.

I asked him if he would like me to administer to him, I did not use tobacco. He thanked me, but he had no oil. I told him that the Lord can heal without the oil.

I now asked them, the sick man and his wife, to unite with me and we would ask the Lord to heal him.

After we had prayed I laid my hands on his head, and was assisted by the Holy Spirit which dictated to me what to say.

I rebuked the sickness in the name of the Lord and promised him to be healed immediately. “You don’t need your cup anymore and you will go to meeting tomorrow.” It was on a Saturday, this occurred. “And after that you will go right out and visit your friends, just as soon as I take my hands off you, you will straighten up.”

As soon as I took my hands off him, he straightened himself at once, and reached his hand to me and wanted to thank me for he was healed at once. I told him that the Lord had done that and to thank Him, and give Him the honor and glory.

A few days after this happened, I visited him again, and he told me that it was just as I had told him, so it went and he got healed at once, and he did not need the cup any more.

He lived up in Parley’s Canyon and lived on his homestead all summer. His wife got sick and wanted me to administer to her too. I did and again was assisted by the Spirit. As she never had a living child on account of her sick husband, I promised her that she would be healed and have a child that would grow.

I have seen it fulfilled, in the fall of the year. The same man came down from Parley’s Canyon and he took sick again, and called on me to come and administer to him again. This time I felt the Spirit, but not to heal him. He told me I was doing my duty to the man, whether he lived or die is nothing to me, and to be satisfied. He died a little after.

I visited Spring City where my folks were located and one of my brother’s wife had a sister that was crippled and walked on two crutches. She was plagued with Infantile Paralysis; one leg was longer than the other. The Spirit told me to send word to that girl that if she would keep the Word of Wisdom, she may be healed.

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On Migrating to a Home of Our Own


Now the main point was with me, to find out where we could go and make a home of our own. To go to a good place where all my father’s family could go with me, and we would be independent, and prosper. I surely went to the Lord with my desire to know the best place for us.

It was made known to me at last, where the right place was for us. The Holy Spirit made it plain to me that we should go to Canada.

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