Browsing the archives for the 1882 category.

On My Emigration to the United States


This was an enjoyable winter for me; my whole father’s family came into the church. When the rest were baptized, the two youngest were blessed, Christian and Hanna.

As I went along through the winter, the Spirit told me when I got the last one of my brothers in the Church, then I will go to Utah, Emigrate.

I told my parents I was going to Emigrate in the spring, when I get the last one in the church then my time was up.

“Where will you get the money from?” I told them if they would try to borrow the money, then the Lord would do the rest. So I began to prepare for to get ready to go to Zion.

My oldest brother was baptized the fourth of March, and that was the last one, so now I was soon ready to leave.

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