If this website interests you, including if you are one of the thousands of descendants of Johan Marinus Jensen, you may be interested in Mr Jensen’s memoirs in book form, published at a price of $25 (with free shipping). It can be ordered from CreateSpace (preferred) or Amazon. Please buy one for all your kids and grandkids too. After after they read it, send them back here or to Amazon so they can all leave a review!
If the price is really a problem, call me and I’ll lose money on it just to get more copies out there, because I’m not in this for the money any more than you are. I’m in this for the same reason you are, to meet more and more 2nd cousins, and to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers.
Of course call me directly if you have any other questions.
Colin Jensen
son of Dick, son of William Delos, son of Johan & Marianne
(415) 827-5630
I would like to buy a copy of the book. John Marinus Jensen is my great grandfather. I hope you still have the book. My maiden name is Cheryl Jensen.
I would also like to purchase this book. John M. Jensen is my great great grandfather and I would love to give this to my grandmother for christmas.