On Seeing my 104 year old Father


That was the boss of the Great Falls jail, where I was and I was let out on the agreement that they wanted me to steal across the Canadian border. I agreed to do it.

I started to walk it, from Great Falls and when I came to Browning it got cold and began to snow, and when I reached Canada I went as fast as I possibly could, on account of the cold weather and I was nearly frozen half to death. O, I was so chilled and cold that I surely appreciated the good woolen socks I had on, from Great Falls which my good jail boss game me the day I left his jail.

I had a good time in it, I had all I could eat and good bed to sleep in. I sold that for two and a half so I had a little spending money to go to Canada walking. I did not walk much for some good customers came along and took me up.

Now I am in Canada again, and glad to visit my relatives, exceptionally so my old father which was sick and over a hundred years old and ready to die. I got a job to help to take care of him the rest of his days.

While I stayed there the Canadian emigration officer came after me for stealing into Canada this time, so I told him the U.S.A. refused to have me because I was a Canadian. I sent to Ottawa for my naturalization papers to prove that I was a Canadian, and after that I had not a bit of trouble and got my right back to Canada.

I got my wish fulfilled to see my beloved father live till he was a hundred and four years old. I often told him when he was in his seventy’s and eighty’s and ninety’s that I believed he would live till he got a hundred years old on account of his very faithfulness. For fifty years he was a good Church member, and he began to pay his tithing at once. He borrowed the first ten crowns to pay his first tithing with, and he kept paying his tithing till his death.

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