I rushed the money for the house and bought it, and got the deed for it, and wet back to herd sheep again.
This year we had an increase in the family, our first Canadian daughter came on the eleventh of May. Her mother wanted her name to be Marienda, and I wanted her name to be Alberta, so she got both of them.
I also started to buy one railroad quarter of land close to my homestead, one of the finest pieces of land in the country north east of Cardston, and neighbor to William Steed and Marsden.
Everything looked good to me now, and I was looking to a good time in the future to prosperity.
I now began to think and hope that Kathrine would get over her opposition against me. I did all I possibly could do to please her.
In one of the times I had to live on the homestead to get proved up.
I was burning old grass off, and the fire got away and I had our oldest son with me, and we had a hard time to fight the fire. The boy told me while we were fighting the fire, that he felt in his heart that if he would go down in the coulee and pray, to the Lord for help we would get the fire out and the boy told me he did that and after he had done it, we got it out. It was a real prairie fire. The boy was about eight years old at the time. The same boy that had the dream It was John, he had great faith in his young days. He had the dream at seven.